Clickholter ECG
Cardioline’s long term ECG analysis system. Powerful and intuitive with numerous pre-processing functions on board.
Cubeholter is a next generation Holter analysis software, designed for fast and reliable review of multi-day ECG recordings.
Workflow is streamlined and operations are simplified, from recorder preparation to printing of the final report.
Cubeholter analysis software is the best solution in a variety of different environments, ranging from single workstation to multi location data upload and reviewing stations.
- 3 and 12 channel recorders from 250 to 1,000Hz. from 24 hours to 7 days.
- Principal ventricular and supra ventricular arrhythmias, atrial fibrillation and paced beats are classified and presented in different formats.
- Optimized algorithms provide quick and reliable analysis to be printed immediately or verified through a step by step workflow.
- Heart beat detection and artifact rejection are automatically performed by new powerful award winning algorithms.
- Recordings can be quickly downloaded locally or remotely.
- The software generates a final report that can be exported. Raw data for the full test can be stored in Cardioline’s ECGWebApp Holter and analyzed from any location.